
2011 /03 / 26 - 2011 / 04 / 23

These 4 weeks dramatically show the stellium gathering in the sign of Aries in opposition to Saturn balanced in Libra and square to Pluto. The new Moon on 04 / 03 makes 6 objects in Aries, the cardinal fire sign. The full Moon with Saturn in a cardinal air sign seems to tip the scale towards the New Age awakening with Uranus, the Aquarian revolutionary planet, beginning a new cycle in Aries.


TWO  -  The format can be expanded to show multiple time frames. This example shows two birthdays and the two weeks of planetary motion and the time of the wedding with a super-full Moon present.

2011.03.21 - Things Happen in the Sky

ONE  -  There are so many things that are happening in the sky. I really think you should look at it. This is my calendar designed to show you the simplest interpretation of planetary movement. There are 3 scales of planets. Large: Sun and Moon. Medium: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Small: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. I will be adding the other dwarf planets at a later date. Each symbol has its own color that relates to the colors of their zodiac connections.